The Magic Pages Research

This page is filled with videos and articles around the web relating to Julia Cameron's The Morning Pages, the work which The Magic Pages is derived from.

None of these links or videos are sponsored or otherwise affiliated with The Zen Master. This collection of links is just for you.

The original Morning Pages

The Artistā€™s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
The Artistā€™s Way is the seminal book on the subject of ā€¦

Highly Recommended Article from Zapier -

Morning pages: Why I write 3 uncensored pages every morning | Zapier
Learn how to do morning pages and the benefits of morning pages that can change the way you work and live.
Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety
Morning Pages are one of these things that sound so simple that you donā€™t think they could ever work for you. One of the things that I have realized in life is that many of the best things are really simple but our complicated minds want to tell us they wonā€™t work for us.
This column will change your life: Morning Pages
ā€˜You can write about whateverā€™s on your mind: petty worries, soaring plans, angry tirades,ā€™ Oliver Burkeman says. ā€˜I wish Iā€™d started long agoā€™

Austin Kleon

Morning pages - Austin Kleon
On Julia Cameronā€™s famous exercise in getting out of your own way.

Austin Kleon's Steal Like An Artist

What My Morning Journal Looks Like - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
History is littered with examples of successful (and unsuccessful) people who kept daily journals. It ranges from Marcus Aurelius to Ben Franklin, and from Mark Twain to George Lucas. But what on earth did they write about? Or perhaps youā€™ve seen examples of their writing and thought to yourself, ā€œGā€¦
What are Morning Pages? How One New Habit Changed My Life
What are Morning Pages? The Morning Pages are a simple exercise that can have a huge impact on your creativity, focus, and happiness!
The Value of Morning Pages - StoryADay
What are ā€œMorning Pagesā€ and why should creative writers ā€˜wasteā€™ time on something that isnā€™t a story? Read my Morning Pages and seeā€¦
What I Learned After Writing Morning Pages For A Month - The Blissful Mind
Can daily journal writing change your life? Hereā€™s how writing morning pages for a month helped me improve my mindset and master the art of self-discipline.
Morning Pages
I am trying to develop a new habit. I read Julia Cameronā€™s excellent book ā€œThe Artistā€™s Wayā€ a few years back. In it she challenges us to do morning pages, writing a few ā€¦
Morning Pages ā€” how writing transformed my life
ā€™You can write about whateverā€™s on your mind: petty worries, soaring plans, angry tiradesā€¦ I wish Iā€™d started long ago. [ā€¦] It will changeā€¦
Healing Through Morning Pages - Sublime Reflection
I posted the picture below on Instagram today and had a lot of people comment asking about morning pages, so I decided Iā€™d write this post to explain more about the how, what, and why! What are Morning Pages? The concept of morning pages comes from the book ā€œThe Artistā€™s Wayā€ by Julia Cameron. Simpā€¦
Morning Pages - Throga - The Vocal Gym
Unlock your voice with science!
The above article adds the following prompts:
- What wants to be released now? 
- What wants to be received now?
- What wants to be known now?
- What wants to be done now?
Are Morning Pages Really Worth the Time? | Page Flutter
Do Morning Pages really reduce anxiety, boost productivity and unlock creativity? I tried Julia Cameronā€™s method of writing 3 pages by hand each morning. Here were the resultsā€¦
3 Pages Every Morning: Why I Started a Daily Ritual and How I Stuck With It (An Intro to Morning Pages) ā€“ GiveLiveExplore
Living The Artistā€™s Way: Discover and Recover Your Creativity
The Artistā€™s Way has been instrumental in helping me restore my long-term vision for my creativity. Hereā€™s how it can help you discover and recover your most creative self.

The Search - The Artist's Way Creative Exercises

The Morning Pages Technique laid out in The Artist Way is solid, but the author's explanation is strung out across a book intended to be 14 weeks long.

The Magic Pages contains the entire refined process in a couple pages.