Osho's Perspective of the True Self

He who sees all beings in his Self and his Self in all beings, he never suffers; because when he sees all creatures within his true Self, then jealousy, grief and hatred vanish. He alone can love.

Osho believes in the phrase, "You cannot die if you were never alive."

This could be said in a thousand ways, but basically, once you wake up enough, you recognize that you are echoing manifestations of the human personality. All of the things that are good coming out of you are arising from you spontaneously, they are not you as you know yourself.

The one who is free from death is what Osho calls the "birthless and deathless."
This is the same concept. Osho is an echoing of words and ideas that came before him,
and Osho will live on as those eternal ideas are repeated in human consciousness in the future.

To state this in the modern psychological sense,

the same archetypal personalities manifest in human consciousness.
So if you have some of the archetypal personalities, and you die,
those same personalities that you call you will be expressed in future characters.

There will never be the same manifestation of you exactly, as there is not a single snowflake, that is your unique essence, and that essence is all that you really are.

But everything you call you, everything on the outside, those things you will not keep, but they will be repeated.

The one who realizes this realizes that nothing of value can be lost. It will be lost after you die as the unique expression of you, but it will continue to arise in other unique expressions.

Osho calls this, "Never born, never died." This is a reference to historical characters including Melchizedek, [believed by the Christians to be a manifestation of Christ]

from this verse:

""Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life..."

from the Isa Upanishad which Osho quotes often,

"He who sees all beings in his Self and his Self in all beings, he never suffers; because when he sees all creatures within his true Self, then jealousy, grief and hatred vanish. He alone can love. That AH–pervading One is self– effulgent, birthless, deathless, pure, untainted by sin and sorrow. Knowing this, he becomes free from the bondage of matter and transcends death. Transcending death means realizing the difference between body and Soul and identifying oneself with the Soul. When we actually behold the undecaying Soul within us and realize our true nature, we no longer identify ourself with the body which dies and we do not die with the body."

This means that Osho's true self [all of our true selves] is the same Self,
the same Self expressing in all of these humans,
the same grief, anger, loss, joy, the same dreams and wishes, the same personalities, repeated over and over across time.

This is what makes mythology eternally relevant, because the same patterns are still emerging out of humans,
and the same patterns emerging out of you will emerge out of future humans.

This is for example, why the audience loves the romance of Spider-Man and Mary Jane. You could say that the archetype of Spider-Man is one of consciousness' favorite patterns.

To model this in the modern framework,
you could say that personality is nothing other than a fact of nature,
the thoughts you think are just dead repetitions of things you once heard, automations of the mind,

and the best of you, which only comes out of you spontaneously [if you have any spontaneity about you] is God speaking.