Origins of TZM Equations: Whole + Whole = Whole

When God's presence absorbs the Universe, the result is God's Reality. When the Spirit enters the Physical, only Spirit remains.

Concept Difficulty Level:
High Difficulty
The Whole [Universe] is all that is invisible. The whole [ God ] is all that is visible. The whole [Golden Womb] was born out of the whole [ God ].
When the Whole [Universe] is absorbed into the Whole [ God ] the whole alone [ God ] remains. - Isha Upanishad

Imagine if your whole universe,
the universe of you,
was absorbed by your whole inner God.

This is difficult to articulate.

One way to say it,

When God's presence absorbs the Universe, the result is God's Reality.

Another way to say it,
When the Spirit manifests itself in reality, there will be a Reality of Spirit.

Yet another,
When the Spirit enters the Physical, only Spirit remains.

To use a metaphor,
When the Spirit enters a man, the man dies. Only Spirit remains.

To speak plainly,

When a Better Reality appears, the Better Reality absorbs the reality which came before it.