[Masters] Reflection 2: Awakening Through The Awareness I was gazing at the sky. Then, the inner sky.
Meeting with A - PART I What is right now? Now, here, now I sense presence, and letting it in is somewhat overwhelming, maybe a little tiny bit—not quite overwhelming. Is it seen? It's right here. Yeah, it's in front of you, right? Yeah, it's actually right here. And
Steps To That - 09-26-24 - The Last Technique There is only one technique. Leaving Ego with no more cards. No more excuses. — When I began to be with this, what happened was remarkable. Story after Story surfaced to my awareness, one after another, so many hidden stories I believe about my life, resting there just under the surface
Steps To That - 09-25-24 - This Mental Game Recognizing the practice is not thinking. The practice is not trying to change anything. * Notice what’s here * Am I anything besides sensations? * Do I exist? —No really, look for it. * Don’t try to change anything * Look at what’s here, all of it * Trace each sensation back to