A Rebel in Love With God

This piece is meaningful because it captures what it means to be alive, what it means to be human. It matters because it opens the possibility of bringing meaning to the most difficult of suffering in the human experience.

When I wrote The Last Words,

I had added a footnote. My Intuition had led me to think that Osho was in a way,
loving himself in that experience, he was honoring it.

Then a day later, I heard him speak about how a son who has no relationship with his father will do everything he says.
He mentioned how a son who has a relationship with his father is willing to disobey him, to go far from him, because there is a relationship, there is trust.

I realized that in that experience, Osho was not simply defying God.
He was pulling away from God and being authentically, truly human, hiding nothing of this experience.
He was pulling away in a tug of war. This is trust.
There is a relationship here, a deep love, a communion between the human existence and the experience. Love is chosen.

There is a human, devil-like, rebelling against his father, helpless and not in control, but trusting, being real, being true. Not falling into the abyss. Falling into the arms of the father.

There's something about this picture that is unmistakably beautiful and human.
The picture shows humanity because it is authentic, totally authentic.
In this picture, there is nothing hidden, the human is childlike, vulnerable, not hiding its immaturity.

It’s beautiful. It’s deep. It’s vulnerable. It’s intimate. It’s pure, exposed. It is unspeakable.
To even speak of this in words is profanity.

Why? What am I talking about?

I am talking about Adam. The original human consciousness, the same human consciousness that we are today. In this picture, Osho was Adam, but made a different choice. He came home.

God asked Adam, "Why are you hiding?"
Adam said, “I heard you coming and didn’t want you to see me naked. So I hid.”
There is nothing hidden, Adam is not hiding himself from God, knowing this is impossible.
God jokes because both Adam and God know that he cannot hide from God. What game is he playing that he is pretending that he can hide?
Adam is playing a fool. Adam is playing The Fool.

Can you see it? How is it so that when one is a devil, they look like the character Adam?

Today, we hide from God, we try to hide our deeper thoughts and feelings from God, as though he cannot see them. We hide the heart from God.

In a moment of [absurd] vulnerability, Osho is being real with God about his authentic experience, not hiding the human in his experience.

There is a Possibility here.

It is possible to create an intimacy between being and becoming.

While it does not make sense what I am saying, perhaps you can feel it, either as a deep repulsion, or, you may sense something archetypally, mythologically profound is here.

This is a conversation about intimacy, deep connection.
To serve God is to bring everything to him. This is communion, relation.
You cannot have true communing if you are holding back.
You cannot fully be with another if you are only half-hearted.

Osho is a rebel, that's who he is, that's his personality. He cannot hide his rebelliousness from God. He can try, he can attempt, but then he is deceiving himself and God.
Instead, he is rebelling in full force, in a dance with God, but not in hate, not in anger. He is believing that God will reach his heart.

There is something human in the rebel. Rebellion is unconscious. Man in his truth is a rebel. He says, "This is not how I want life to be. This is not how I want to be. I don't want to be lower. I want to become more."

God is no rebel. Man is a rebel, and a devil.

God cannot help us if we are hiding from him. If we do not hide, suddenly, we look like Adam. Understanding arises, beauty arises in that scene.
Why? It is just as the stories, the human existence is the feminine,
God is the masculine,
The human is desiring to be loved,
God is desiring to be love.
Both sides of this are divine, both sides are sacred.
The human is just as sacred as God,
the imperfect is designed to be embraced by the perfect.
The immature becomes mature.
The unconscious becomes conscious.

The becoming is designed to be embraced by the being.

When this is a possibility, reality becomes beauty. Reality becomes a loving art.
To be real, to be the falling, failing human reaching up for God, if you look at this image from a pulled back perspective, it is beautiful.

This is when existence [us] accepts experience [life].
When we acknowledge what is, instead of what we pretend,
there can be understanding, consciousness.

In the light of consciousness, there can be no ignorance.

What Really Is Truth?

Truth is to Really Know What It Means To Be Human.

To hit the truth at its core, this is to find what it means to be human.

The truth at the center of every beauty is what it means to be human.

The truth is at the center of every great work and meaning.

To be human is to be: unapologetically true and real to this experience.

The core of truth is the possibility of embracing and having communion with this experience.

It is in this that all delusions are wiped out and the core of meaning is rediscovered.

A mind becomes pure.

There is no value in positioning yourself for or against this, comparing yourself to this.

There is only the question, do I want to know what it means to be human?

There are seekers and non-seekers.
Seekers are seeking this question, though they do not know it.
This is the direction of the great pursuit.

What does it mean to be human?

This is the fundamental question.
The answer to this question can only be found within, but it is also not possible for one person to find alone.
It is the work of many, found in the greatest works of humanity,
to discover the answer to this question.

The Path, the Great Path, Is The Path of Discovery.

The Answer is the Path,
what it means to be human is Discovery. We Discover.

Notice the limitation in the mind, it wants to hold on to old understanding, old beliefs. It doesn’t like the possibility that there could be more to life, more meaning to life, more meaning to being alive.

This is a different way of thinking than normal thinking.
To follow that path, you have to change your thinking, to think about this question, to change your perspective. What does it mean to be human? This thinking is an exploration, a journey. It will never simply happen to you.

No voice, not my voice or any other voice will ever cause that exploration to happen to you.

The journey only happens if you choose to explore it, to change your perspective to think about it, to think about something more, something beyond.

To go on this path, you have to explore.

The path requires exploration. The path is a focus. You have to choose to focus on it, or the next moment comes and you are distracted.

One moment you were curious and wonder-filled, but as you did not set a focus, it slips away from you, you become distracted and go back to your normal thinking.

To change this, you choose.
No problems are solved by thinking about them.

If you want to escape the internal suffering of your mind,
you have to focus on something else, something meaningful, and make it a consistency.

Who you are is what you think about.