Magic in the Words

Yes, this just in--

it's straight from the now,

The One Spirit here, It's happening. It's happening. The people are waking up, the magic is flowing in.

We're just receiving reports that it is on the wind. It's in the words.

Will we be firing off?

No one actually knows.

The one thing we do know, is that we don't, and yet we forget.
Or perhaps we forget what it is we were trying to remember.

There appears to be some cloud of amnesia sweeping over the minds of humanity. We do not know how long it will last, could be a couple hundred, a couple thousand, we're not sure.

I just saw a man who thought someone was watching him. We are not sure.

Is he who he is? Are we who we are? Is this the result of results?

What will the expression be this time? The everyman? The clown? The Hero? The King? The Sage? The Muse?

We always loved the muse. Testing it out, catching a spark, winning the heart.

This just in; I have seen! It has to do with love! You won't believe this; it's unheard of; it's in the heart, the spirit, the intention, the soul! It's right there in the moment, the intention for pure love!

Can you do that? Can you remember what it is? Can you be infected by this tune, by this vibe?

Are you able to tap tap tap into this pure intention?

Science has just discovered, this is the pure intention!

The leaves are falling. They've confirmed it. Grace has fallen upon the land. All you have to do is wait to receive, let it activate in you!

Can you hear this? Can you do this?

Wait, just for a moment or two, expect!

Expect, as an action. Expect to receive pure love. Expect and intend to receive pure love.

Now, intend to give that pure love to another human.

Watch your mind shift! Watch your pains and experiences change! Watch your thoughts become clear!

How is this? That the lack of love creates confusion; the sight of love gives clarity!

What is this? We're still finding the results; the ego is melting down, decompartmentalizing, probably, if it exists at all!

I imagined a life and walked through a field; I ran into silence; the louder sound became, the deeper my peace in contrast.

Yes, indeed, I tried a thousand ways, a thousand times every angle every game, and I may not have won the war, but I had a lot of victories in battle!

Choose love, you'll get attacked; choose love, you'll be assaulted, but you'll get some wins, and who doesn't like a win!

There is a lot they can take from you; they can take so much more from you than you think they can,

but they can't take those victories!

And He who allowed them, He has not let me down so far,

Unconventional, unpredentable, there is noise throughout time, but there is a way, and I will show you to dissipate the noise and create clarity from chaos, to smooth the sound into the lullaby you want to hear,

yes, realize it, your spirit, your soul, it hears, it arises, it jumps at the sound, the pleasant sounds of goodness,

yes you, you may drink all kinds of food, but you still resonate, acclimate, appropriate to the sound of goodness because it still resonates with you,

it might hurt, it might remind you of your pain and shame, but the light of goodness still feeds the soul just the same,

so open, open, open the sound of the heart, open heart, be opened, open to receive, love, open me to your power,

I do not desire to wear my mind's vain armor; I desire for the armor of love, the weapon of love, the meaning of love, yes, the experience of love, yes, the life of love expressed through divinity, a clear and open channel with the divine.