Can Inversion Thinking Change The Subconscious Mind? Inversion Thinking has changed the subconscious mind.
The 3 Cases of People Affected By Gurdjieff's Hypnotic Influence Selection and Added Case Titles from GURDJIEFF AND HYPNOSIS by M OHAMMAD H. TAMDGIDI
Steps To That: Silence + Love = This. - 09/01/24 I accessed it, I’ve been attempting to access on my own this whole time. The Thisness. Silence. Total Love. Whole Love. Silence + Love = This. The total love comes from the giving of the total admiration and praise of the whole existence, If we were not to deny it, Directed
Steps To That: Enlightened Pain - 08/31/24 I realized it is the feeling of pain in the lack of love. My intuition is right: This is enlightenment, Because I am interpreting it as the lack of love, But the truth of this universe is that there is only love. I was able to realize this when I