Magic šŸŖ„

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Florence Novell Shinn

I believe that Neville Goddard based his work mostly on Florence Novell Shinn. I believe Shinn was the source.

Although I've looked at the timeline and although he would have been influenced by The Master Key System, I think his work and thoughts are based on Shinn.

I've questioned what Shinn's source material is but regardless of what she had access to I believe that Shinn is an original, a creative.

Her voice and thoughts are uniquely original, and it can be seen that her work was based in active practice and experience.


I believe there is a divine force behind Shinn, as there is a recorder of her audiobook named Lila. Lila's voice feels charged with magic, vitality, wonder, life, it clearly carries a current. The resonance is unbelievable. Lila seems to be channeling Shinn's voice directly. I would believe that it was Shinn herself speaking, and fully believing and embodying her own speech.

The Game of Life and How To Play It - Florence Novell Shinn - YouTube