Do Not Share Your Plans with Anyone.

We want to share our plans because we believe it makes us more accountable and that this is false.

A video is sent to me and it says,

“Do not share your plans with anyone. You do not know who is listening.

Do not draw attention or suspicion."

The video indicates that we want to share our plans because we believe it makes us more accountable and that this is false.

Do not tell others what you are up to.

Tell God what you are up to.

Keep it secret until it becomes a reality.

Without boasting or bragging.

If you tell everyone of your goal,

the goal-setting theory says, “when you tell everyone of your goals too soon, it can make your brain think you’ve already accomplished a big part of it, that you’ve already won."

This takes away some of your determination and motivation.

Getting recognition makes your brain relax, then makes you lose focus.