What is The Convergence of Meaning?

"Once you have a center, everything falls in line, and everything becomes beautiful.”


This is what I had written as my question.

Bhagwan said,

“If you can give a center to noise it becomes music, then it converges on a center and everything becomes organic. If a madman is playing on the piano, then every note is separate, individual; it is a crowd of notes, not a melody. And when a musician plays on the same piano with the same fingers, there comes an alchemical change: now the same notes have fallen into a pattern, the same notes have joined into an organic unity, now they have a center to them. Now they are not a crowd, now they are a family; a subtle love joins them together, now they are one. And that is the whole art: to bring notes into a loving phenomenon – they become harmonious.”

“Tantra says you are a noise right now as you are. Nothing is wrong in it – simply you don’t have a center. Once you have a center, everything falls in line, and everything becomes beautiful.”

“Ordinarily a person accepts a situation when he feels helpless; that is impotent acceptance. That will not lead you anywhere; impotence cannot lead you anywhere. A person accepts a situation when he feels hopeless: “Nothing can be done, so what to do? At least accept, to save face.” Tantra acceptance is not that type of acceptance. It comes out of an over fulfillment, it comes out of a deep contentment – not out of hopelessness, frustration, helplessness. It comes when you don’t say no; it suddenly surfaces in you. Your whole being becomes a deep contentment.”