Face Death. 🏴‍☠️🖤🤍

Face Death. 🏴‍☠️🖤🤍

Taking over your own life is easy when you know what’s at stake: you are going to die.

Hi, I’m Divinie. My path is about waking up to Realizing who you really are.

—And not what the world wants you to be. 

Right now, I’m building teachings on how to think for yourself and break out of your own head. 

And I want you on this with me. 

Sign up with your email to my platform and I’ll be able to keep you in the loop for when I’m ready to release what is to come. 

And you’ll get access to everything I’ve built to get to this point. 

It is an enormous amount of work, 

but, once you fully Realize yourself, 

you can become strong enough to stand up against the crushing weight of the world, trying to pull you down. 

I had to go through my search mostly alone, and, to a large extent, you will as well. But, you will know that it is possible. And, you will have the easiest of the steps it takes to get there. 

It is okay if you’re not ready right now. You will be at the right time. Just make sure you take the few seconds to sign up now, so that you can be there at the right moment. 

George Gurdjieff once said, 

Go out one clear starlit night to some open space and look up at the sky, at those millions of worlds over your head. Remember that perhaps on each of them swarm billions of beings, similar to you or perhaps superior to you in their organization. Look at the Milky Way. The earth cannot even be called a grain of sand in this infinity. It dissolves and vanishes, and with it, you. 
Where are you? And is what you want simply madness? 
Before all these worlds ask yourself what are your aims and hopes, your intentions and means of fulfilling them, the demands that may be made upon you and your preparedness to meet them. - From The Message To The Seeker

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“Zen is a very simple acceptance of the totality that surrounds us.” - Osho

If I don’t see you again, I hope you have an awesome and fulfilling life.
- Tyler Choice